Holystic experience and Events

Corso di Reiki

Volete imparare l'Arte segreta per invitare la Felicità nella propria vita (Reiki)? 


Sul terrazzo panoramico di Nitrodi Thermal Relais si terrà il corso di Primo livello Shoden del Komyo Reiki Do che è una Divina arte di guarigione energetica intuitiva che può cambiare il nostro intero Essere e le nostre vite fisicamente, mentalmente e spiritualmente!

Ritiro Detox

Programma Settimanale


Grazie all'esperienza unica, intensa che coinvolge tutti i sensi all'incontro con l'acqua miracolosa e curativa – la migliore acqua per la pelle - che da millenni svolge il suo lavoro incessante di guarigione, è possibile purificare e rigenerare il Corpo, la Mente e lo Spirito, alleviare lo stress, rafforzare il sistema immunitario, neuroendocrino e nervoso.


Ritiro Ayurveda Yoga


A fine settembre nella Spa più antica del mondo a Ischia, Italia

Ti invitiamo a sperimentare, ringiovanire e purificare il tuo corpo e la tua mente con questo autentico ritiro di Ayurveda Yoga presso la famosa Fonte Delle Ninfe Nitrodi Spa. Goditi le lezioni quotidiane di Yoga e Meditazione e le proprietà curative dell'acqua della sorgente di Nitrodi

Seminario creazione del gioiello alchemico (5-6 Maggio 2023)

Reiki Therapies

The japanese word 靈氣 (ReiKi) can be determined as ethereal, transcendent and sacred energy of the universe, which supports all life forms. Reiki Ryoho is a divine art of energetic healing through the laying-on of hands that channels the energy of the universe by balancing and harmonizing the mind, body and spirit.


This spiritual practice can also change our being and our lives physically, mentally and spiritually, creating inner peace and prosperity. Reiki energy is really wise and knows where to flow to cure acute, chronic pain, injury, burns, energy blockages, mental, emotional and psychophysical imbalances. This personalized treatment can be integrated with crystal therapy, meditation or the creation of an individual lithotherapy jewel.


Mental emotional psychophysical energy rebalancing therapy with crystal chakra healing.

Crystal Therapy

Crystal diagnostics and meditation. Do You want to know which crystal or natural stone you need right now to solve a specific problem, harmonize the situation or an intention? Come to the diagnostics on Nitrodi!


A neurocoach gives everyone the opportunity to access first of all to the proper internal resources, innate potential and learn how to use them correctly, increasing the efficiency of activities. Sessions enable the client to study, understand and tune their inherent strengths, as well as correct weaknesses. "Everything you need is already inside you": highlight individual skills and show how can they be used most rationally.


When working with neurocoach, a person optimizes the movement towards desired goals. A neurocoach helps to understand what you can do better than others, what are your unique abilities, and how you can make the most of knowledge and experience in the field of activity, in which you wish to achieve success. All this goes through the study and understanding of the brain.


Changing our thoughts, pronouncing other words and doing different things, we change all the structures of the brain and, therefore, our life. A neurocoach teaches to understand how mcomplicated the human body and consciousness are, how strongly a person is connected with the world, how to develop the ability to "be the director of proper life".

Psychology of Emotions

Emotional-reflective therapy, based on scientific and mpractical psychology (gestalt) provides briefly the liberation from any negative emotion, that we carry in our unconscious from early childhood. This practice, also called Emo-session, is based on a very powerful and innovative method with prompt effect.

You will immediately feel relief and release from anger, fear, anxiety, pain, apathy, fury, resentment, sadness, envy, jealousy, depression, insecurity and other deep rooted emotions. Receive the message from Your Unconscious that is our true wise Master - where you can find all the answers to all questions - the guidance to restore Harmony, Health and Happiness in Your Life. At the end of the session You'll be given some recommendations of "PSYCHO-HYGIENE techniques", depending on the personal situation, which help you to cope with stress, internal tension, difficulties and emotions on your own!


Anna Shcherbakova

Neurocoach, Emotologo, Gestalt-terapeuta, Master Reiki Shinpiden & Gene Keys